Collège Doctoral Languedoc-Roussillon
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3 minute Thesis - Call for applications [Participation : Présentiel]

Contact : Collège Doctoral LR
Tél: 04 67 41 68 41

Catégorie : Ouverture scientifique et culturelle

Langue de l'intervention : anglais

Nombre d'heures : 20

Max participants : 20

Nbre d'inscrits : 8

Nbre en attente d'inscription : 6

Nombre de places disponibles : 12

Public prioritaire : Aucun

Public concerné :

Proposé par : Collège Doctoral Languedoc Roussillon

Lieu : Montpellier
Début de la formation : 31 janvier 2024
Fin de la formation : 31 mars 2024
Date ouverture des inscriptions :
Date fermeture des inscriptions : 24 janvier 2024
Modalités d'inscription : L’inscription ne pourra être acceptée (dans la limite des places disponibles) qu’à réception du bulletin d’inscription signé par le directeur de thèse et le doctorant. Le bulletin est à envoyer au Collège Doctoral à l’adresse suivante :

Objectifs :
The Coimbra group is organizing CG 3MT, a “3 minutes thesis” competition in English. Member Universities organize a regional competition to select one candidate for the final competition, which will be held in Turku in June 2024.

In this context, the Doctoral College LR and the Montpellier University Doctoral College are co-organizing a regional competition to select one candidate for the international competition. Take this opportunity to improve your skills in scientific mediation and in English communication, and prepare yourself for job and post-doc interviews.

Programme :
The selection auditions will take place on wednesday 31 January 2024, from 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm, in Montpellier.

Candidates must prepare a 3 minutes talk describing their thesis subject, in terms that should be understandable by non-specialists. It is possible to prepare one slide illustrating the subject, only one image with no animation.

Following this audition, successful candidates will complete a 3-day training in science popularization, public speaking and rhetoric to prepare the regional competition.
The training calendar and the objectives of the trainings are as follows:

- Tuesday 06 February, 2.00 pm / 5.30 pm - Patrick Sandrat,
- Wednesday 14 February, 2.00 pm / 5.30 pm - Lynn Blin,
- Tuesday 20 February 2024, 9.30am / 1pm - Patrick Sandrat,
- Wednesday 28 February, 2pm / 5.30pm - Lynn Blin,
- Wednesday 06 March 2024, 2pm / 5.30pm - Lynn Blin and Patrick Sandrat

> Training with Patrick Sandrat :
- Popularisation of science, rhetoric and structuring of the text. Understanding the speaker-audience exchange. "Tips for speakers"
- Structuring the slide and coherence with the text. Speaking in public. Stress management

> Training with Lynn Blin :
- Storytelling in English: How information is organised in English and how it differs The Music of the English Language: Intonation, Pace, and Rhythm. Reading my text, Memorising my Text. Owning my text. Voice, Breathing, Movement.from French. Ideas on how to organise a text in English. Voice, Breathing, Movement
- The Music of the English Language: Intonation, Pace, and Rhythm. Reading my text, Memorising my Text. Owning my text. Voice, Breathing, Movement.

The regional competition will take place on March the 20th at 2:00PM at the Saint-Charles auditorium (Montpellier), in front of a multidisciplinary jury.
Candidates will be filmed and the video of the selected student will be sent to the Coimbra group for the international competition. PhD students who have achieved the 3 best presentations will have the opportunity to participate in the final competition.

La formation participe à l'objectif suivant :préparer le devenir professionnel des doctorants dans le secteur public comme dans le secteur privé

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