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Contact : MARCHAL Juliette

Catégorie : Innovation, Entreprise

Langue de l'intervention : anglais

Nombre d'heures : 22

Crédits/Points : 3

Min participants : 20

Max participants : 60

Nbre d'inscrits : 52

Nombre de places disponibles : 8

Public prioritaire : Aucun

Public concerné :

Proposé par : Université de Lorraine

Lieu : ENSGSI, 8 Rue Bastien-Lepage, 54000 Nancy - Amphi 2, RDC
Observations : Date : Du 8 au 13 Juillet 2021 de 9h à 12h et 13h à 16h
Mots clés : innovation ; créativité ; travail d'équipe
Début de la formation : 8 juillet 2021
Fin de la formation : 13 juillet 2021
Date fermeture des inscriptions : 30 juin 2021
Site web : http://doctorat.univ-lorraine.fr/sites/default/files/user/temp/think_innovation_week.pdf

Programme :
July 8-12, 2021 - 2,5 days

Patents and ideas need a business model to become a genuine opportunity to enhance value. In fact, everyday life is full of professional and personal projects... Do you want to test a method that can apply to any project? Do you want to make your dreams come true? Come and test the IDéO method to transform any idea into a valuable opportunity for a new start-up or an existing company.
• July 8: Building a global scenario – you will translate your idea into a project (what is the aimed need, what is the added value, to whom, in which history and in which context…)
• July 9: Designing a winning strategy – you will get deep inside an entrepreneurial mind (which partners do we need to mobilize, which marketing mix, how to build a competitive advantage, how to present the project…)
• July 12: Introduction to International Management
This introductory seminar focuses on three objectives:
1) understanding the strategic dimension of international management and its integration into company’s strategy;
2) decoding the complexity of the international environment and the cultural differences between countries;
3) recognizing how culture may affect foreign customers’ behaviour.

July 13, 2021 - 1 day

Based on the FabLab approach, we will present the importance of making an ‘Intermediary object’ in the innovation project development.
Materializing an idea allows people to confront the reality in a first approach. This creates a shared language among stakeholders. Having feedback as early as possible in the design process is a key driver to mature an innovative concept. And also, this establishes the first step which is to evolve the idea, considering the perspectives of the different actors in the project.

Pré-requis :
Program fully taught in English.

La formation PA1.3 MDD 38 - 48H POUR RÉVEILLER LES BREVETS DORMANTS et la formation PA1.3 MDD 39 - ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT » se complètent et font partie d'un même programme. Il est conseillé de suivre les deux formations.

Les doctorants inscrits à la formation PA1.3 MDD 38 - 48H POUR RÉVEILLER LES BREVETS DORMANTS seront prioritaires pour la formation PA1.3 MDD 39 - ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION IN A GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT ».

Equipe pédagogique :
Equipe pédagogique composée d'acteurs du Collégium Lorraine Management Innovation, de l'ENSGSI et du PEEL

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