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[BLOC 4] Time Management : better organize your work (SP36-Gr2) [Participation : Distanciel]

Contact : CHANCEL Jules

Catégorie : Compétences professionnelles et recherche d'emploi

Thématique : Formation à la préparation de poursuite de carrière 

Langue de l'intervention : anglais

Nombre d'heures : 14

Crédits/Points : 4

Min participants : 7

Max participants : 12

Nbre en attente d'inscription : 1

Nombre de places disponibles : 12

Public prioritaire : Aucun

Public concerné :
Tout doctorant de Université Clermont Auvergne

Proposé par : Université Clermont Auvergne

Observations : 14 hours (4 half days)
Mots clés : SP36 ; Anglais
Date ouverture des inscriptions :
Date fermeture des inscriptions :

Objectifs :
This training is designed to enable participants to take a step back from their work organization, understand the principles of time management and acquire tools and methods to optimize their daily time management.

At the end of the formation, the student will be able:
• To understand and to master the principles of time management
• To be able to apply them through practical tools
• To be able to apply these methods and tools to one's research project in order to optimize the management of one's working time
• To master collaborative tools

Programme :
Understanding the principles of time management
o Analyse of one’s position, tasks and responsabities to identify the possible spaces for improvement.
o Clarification of one’s missions
o Quantification of one’s activities : how many time do we need to spend on tasks?
o Identification of over-represented activities and under-represented activities
o Analyse of one’s working environment : constraints and possible changes and definition of goals for improvement

Establishing a reflexive diagnosis of one's time management
o Identification of time management rules appropriate for each level of the activity
o Jackpot activities
o The importance of margins for planification
o How to deal with interruptions ?
o How to deal with “time thieves” ?

Time management in practice: methodologies adapted to research
o Definition of SMART goals
o Prioritization of activities
o Short/ medium / long-term anticipation
o Human and material resources for planification
o Delegating tasks : why and how

Planning and monitoring: tools for managing time
o Planification and follow-up tools : how to choose and use them
o Efficiency of communication
o Team work
o Planification of availability time

Equipe pédagogique :
Romy SAUVAIRE, Sociologue, Maître de conférence et HDR, Responsable du Pôle Sciences Humaines et Sociales de Polytech Clermont-Fd, INP, CNRS, LAPSCO

Méthode pédagogique :
Balance between theoretical tools and practical exercises, reflexivity, personal work based on individual experience.

La formation participe à l'objectif suivant :être directement utile pour la rédaction de la thèse ou pour l’exposition écrite ou orale des travaux de recherche

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