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Discover consulting and NGO sectors & Increase PhD employability [Participation : Distanciel]

Contact : LARRAUFIE Pierre

Catégorie : Préparer son devenir professionnel - Identifier ses compétences, découvrir le marché de l'emploi, se préparer aux entretiens

Thématique : Formation sur les débouchés dans les différents secteurs 

Langue de l'intervention : anglais

Nombre d'heures : 16

Crédits/Points : 3

Min participants : 10

Max participants : 15

Nbre d'inscrits : 6

Nombre de places disponibles : 9

Public prioritaire : A partir de la 2ème année

Public concerné :

Proposé par : Agriculture, Alimentation, Biologie, Environnement et Santé

Lieu : Remote
Observations : This training targets to impact PhD careers by opening their field of possibilities, increasing their success in job interview by using methods mainly unknown by PhD candidates.
Mots clés : Consulting, NGO, job interview, CV, cover letter, how to boost your career
Début de la formation : 21 mai 2025
Fin de la formation : 22 mai 2025
Date ouverture des inscriptions :
Date fermeture des inscriptions : 14 mai 2025
Modalités d'inscription : Les inscriptions sont exclusivement réalisées via l'interface ADUM Public prioritaire : Doctorants étrangers ou doctorants visant une carrière hors de France - Formation en Anglais

Objectifs :
• Gain an overview of career opportunities in consultings sectors and in NGOs
• Be able to choose between a career as a generalist or a specialist
• Anticipate the “real life” of careers in the associative and consulting sectors: salaries, attractiveness and challenges - concrete illustration in strategy consulting
• Have the criteria to choose your career rationally
• Understand the consulting profession and its impact on all economic activities
• Have the concrete, on-the-ground information you need to make an informed decision about your career.
• Understand the impact of the consulting profession on other professions
• Understand the selectivity of recruitment processes and the workload involved
• Understand what interviewers are looking for during job interviews
• Be able to organize your recruitment process to be invited to consulting firms and NGOs
• Organize solid and exhaustive preparation on the interpersonal component
• Understand the true role of the resume and cover letter
• Structure your storyline effectively and practice in a structured way

Programme :
The course is structured in two parts: 21st and 22nd may 2025 9am to 12pm and 1pm to 4pm
1) 2 days of group training
2) An individual coaching session to further develop each participant's project organised during the following weeks

For the two days of group training, after a first module introducing the consulting opportunity and professional opportunities in NGOs in module 2, module 3 teaches the techniques and approaches needed to put one's professional project into practice.

The duration of the modules can be adapted to participants' questions, based on the following schedule:

- Module 1: Working in NGOs and International Institutions - 3 h
- Module 2: Working in consulting - 3h
- Module 3: Making your professional project a reality - networking and job interviews - 6h

1. Opening up the field of professional possibilities, a module designed to provide PhD students with concrete information to enable them to put their career choices into perspective by illustrating different career paths outside public research, in NGOs or consulting.
2. Establishing a strategy for approaching target companies or NGOs according to a detailed step-by-step process to be invited for an interview, and sharing advanced interpersonal presentation techniques, based on the resume and cover letter writing method used by strategy consulting firms.

Equipe pédagogique :
Victor Haïm Mamou, docteur en Sciences Physiques, ancien consultant au Boston Consulting Group, auteur du livre « Réussir ses entretiens dans les cabinets de conseil » chez Eyrolles et ancien directeur des programmes d’une ONG accréditée à l’ONU dans le domaine de l’éducation.

Méthode pédagogique :
• Real work life experience in module 1 & 2 and answer to « taboo » questions about the career
• Practical exercises for module 4. All students will have opportunity to put to the test

Compétences acquises à l'issue de la formation :
- Drawing up a career plan
- Project yourself in several professional sectors
- Make the most of your network
- Communicate effectively
- Add value to skills in resumes, cover letters and job interviews

La formation participe à l'objectif suivant :préparer le devenir professionnel des doctorants dans le secteur public comme dans le secteur privé

Calendrier :

Séance n° 1
Date : 21-05-2025
Horaire : 9h à 17h ( à confirmer)
Intervenant : Victor Mamou
Lieu : en visio

Séance n° 2
Date : 22-05-2025
Horaire : 9h à 17h ( à confirmer)
Intervenant : Victor Mamou
Lieu : en visio

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